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Skye Nott
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Rally Car:

Jeezus SS.com is slooowwww
December 30, 2005 08:34PM
WTF, it's been like this for a while right? Someone needs to get their shit together.... I can't even flame these idiots properly with all these timeouts.

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Patrick McVeigh
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Re: Jeezus SS.com is slooowwww
December 31, 2005 09:56AM
And this is the 'improved' version, it was mucho slower a few months back
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John Lane
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Re: Jeezus SS.com is slooowwww
January 05, 2006 03:57PM
Server has the Flu?


Volvo 260turbo AKA The Fire Breathing Monster
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Patrick McVeigh
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Re: Jeezus SS.com is slooowwww
January 05, 2006 04:17PM
I'm thinking STD. Can't even load the big threads without it timing out...
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Skye Nott
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Rally Car:

Re: Jeezus SS.com is slooowwww
January 05, 2006 11:26PM
Crappy software, and either admins/owners who don't give a damn or are really technically incompetent.... maybe I should offer my services.... HAHAH J/K

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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Jeezus SS.com is slooowwww
January 05, 2006 11:32PM
You could be a naughty boy, offer your services, become a stealth Moderator and "fix" their nannyism software.
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Jeff Burmeister
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Re: Jeezus SS.com is slooowwww
January 10, 2006 07:09PM
You should, I mean from what I hear, these guys are normal everyday working folks that can't drop everything on their plates and fix a server that is located half way across the country. Let alone find the money to fly there.

I think you should volunteer to help out. After all, isn't ss.com just a bunch of Rally guys trying to help out.

But what the hell do I know.

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Skye Nott
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Rally Car:

Re: Jeezus SS.com is slooowwww
January 10, 2006 07:13PM
Dynauld Wrote:
> You should, I mean from what I hear, these guys
> are normal everyday working folks that can't drop
> everything on their plates and fix a server that
> is located half way across the country. Let alone
> find the money to fly there.

Yeah I'm an everyday working folk and I manage to keep my websites up and running smoothly, and they are a hell of a lot busier than SS.com

> I think you should volunteer to help out. After
> all, isn't ss.com just a bunch of Rally guys
> trying to help out.

Gee the last time I checked, they sold advertising space, kind of seems like that money should go towards something like maintaining the site. I guess I should just work for them for free out of the kindness of my heart?

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Jeff Burmeister
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Re: Jeezus SS.com is slooowwww
January 10, 2006 08:58PM
Actually we're looking for a new co-location site, as there is just too much crap on these servers from other clients that are at this co-located site.

Our bandwidth has gone up by like 100 fold since we first started these forums. The software isn't the strongest on the planet. But when we started this almost 5 years ago, dcscripts was the cream of the crop. Are there better things now, absolutely, but it's what people have grown accustom too. So we have stuck with it this far. Are we looking for replacements? Yeap. And we are working on a number of other things as well. Of which includes a new layout. But web design isn't our day job, we dont' have many of the tools that you have at hand, and yes we can't keep up with a number of people's expectations. But we are trying. But you got to cut us a little slack.

Jeff Burmeister

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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Now comes the lame excuses----some Pros. 8(
January 10, 2006 09:21PM
Dynauld Wrote:
> Actually we're looking for a new co-location site,
> as there is just too much crap on these servers
> from other clients that are at this co-located
> site.
> Our bandwidth has gone up by like 100 fold since
> we first started these forums. The software isn't
> the strongest on the planet. But when we started
> this almost 5 years ago, dcscripts was the cream
> of the crop. Are there better things now,
> absolutely, but it's what people have grown
> accustom too. So we have stuck with it this far.
> Are we looking for replacements? Yeap. And we are
> working on a number of other things as well. Of
> which includes a new layout. But web design isn't
"> our day job, we dont' have many of the tools that
> you have at hand, and yes we can't keep up with a
> number of people's expectations. But we are
> trying. But you got to cut us a little slack.
> Jeff Burmeister

Jeff, I'm about to shit the bed.
And you can quote me on that.
You know why?
Humility from you.
Next thing we know we'll have Christian Edstom over here apologizing for being an absolute fuckin asshole (specifically now) in his self appointed role as Moderator.
( I have spoken with Christian at lenght several years ago, he was overjoyed when he got the slot on the PRB even if he did THEN express dismay at how a guy with virtually no experience could just volunteer and wham, he on the "Board" and then just volunteer and WHAM he's writing new rules.
CLEARLY he wants to run things, and berlieves his vast expeience suitting next to a driver has prepared him to be the moderator on every rally forum around.
What cheek.)

If you guys don't have time perhaps a more real man type thing to do would be to ask for competent help as god knows that Special Stage dot com is swarming with computer type nerds and some can do this thing in a matter of minutes with jet lag and after dropping an engine in their car in the cold and dark.

So your above post was a good start, and I'm sure Skye would be willing to talk to you guys, expect Skye, like a lot of us out here in the NW, seems to like openess and cooperation and friendliness rather that behavior we see at "the increasingly appropriately named SS.com"

"Ve haff vays av makink it appear all sveetness und light"

But what the hell, send Skye a note, but the situation is not improving over there with the heavy handed and stupid censorship, you long term "apparatchicks" ought to back off or climb down off your high horses.


John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat

CALL +1 206 431-9696
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Skye Nott
Godlike Moderator
Location: Vancouveh
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Rally Car:

How to fix it
January 10, 2006 10:08PM
Hi Jeff,

Well I only got back from NZ a month ago but I've heard it's been slowing down with timeouts etc for quite a while, like months, and the Forum software has always sucked since day 1, so I'm not sure what slack is left to cut. The sub-forums are way too fragmented (canada + canada west + canada east? come on...) and the "moderation" has gone way over the top.

I doubt you'll find anyone that likes your Forum software, navigating thread/topics is terrible. It shouldn't take more than a couple of days for someone with experience to switch to new forum that would run just fine on a colocated server (assuming it has MySQL or something).

What OS is the server running?
What's the load on the server?
It looks like the "new" dcboard is using PHP at least, what's the backend? MySQL?
Are the timeouts due to database load or CPU load or ..?

Have you done any research into modern Forum software that can import all the DCboard data?

About 10 seconds of Googling "import dcforum" gave me this page, you could import into vBulletin and switch in a matter of hours.


I have no idea what you're paying for hosting but it's probably way too much, money that could be spent on a commercial Forum package like vBulletin ($160) - money well spent since I would guess about 90% of your traffic is driven by the Forums. Phorum and phpBB are good free alternatives.

PS: Web design isn't my day job either. I just know how to Google.

PPS: Jeff, you don't have the required information in your signature, go read the READ THIS FIRST post again.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/2006 10:08PM by Skye.
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Jeff Burmeister
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Re: Now comes the lame excuses----some Pros. 8(
January 10, 2006 10:54PM
Hey John,

You know, the only really bad thing about forums, is that you can never get a good take on what or how a person is trying to convey their information. You and I could sit in a bar and get absolutely ripped together. And we would have a grand old time talking rally and agreeing on most everything. But when you get into typing and all of the BS that comes about not seeing what the other is implying, etc. Its sooo easy to misread what a person's true intent is. It's just a fact of the internet. Won't change until we get the video posting forums up... Just kidding.

Oh, regarding us doing the real man thing and having people come in to handle things for us, if we are to keep ss.com going, it isn't that far away. But its that whole chicken and the egg type thing. Or maybe a the pro field vs. a pro program thing. You need money to build it, but if you build it the money comes. (or that is the logic) But the reality for most companies that have an audience that is interested in a Rally website, rally magazine, sides of a car, whatever. Is that they are companies that are typically scrapping by. You know, grass roots type. They usually are unable to swing the coin for advertising. Which is why I haven't sent out an invoice to our advertisers in a long time. Some more then a year.

You know the saying, "want to make a small fortune? start with a large one and go racing." Same thing is true with supporting club racers. No money in it, and I don't think there will be. Or at least not while I'm still young. Even though I'm now in my late 30's.

What is the point of this post? Now that I think about it. Absolutely nothing. Heck, I haven't posted on SS.com or RA or NASA in such long that I'm writing more to write publicly then making a valid point. It's kind of like having that first drink at the bar after not drinking for two weeks.

I love free speak and all that goes with it. It's a wonderful thing that you guys are very open here, and I hope that you can continue to have that here. I really do. We had that once. But it ended because every one of the current and past sanctioning bodies has or had some type of issue with this or that posting. So, yeah, we had to do it so that we could continue to have a place for people to go. Doesn't mean I like it any more then you guys. But restrict some discussions or shutdown? We took restrict.

I think it was Jens that first called me a member of the Thought Police, later when we get both Subaru and Mitsubishi too come play with us for a bit, I remember being called Spitzner Lap dog. Recently I was called an asshole, but that was by a girlfriend and she was right, I slept with her friend. But the point is, I've been called a lot a crap over the years for doing what I think is the right (or atleast fun) so I don't worry about what people flaming me. I guess that is a green light for lighting me up.

Time to fall back into viewing mode. Take it easy guys...

Laugh, and if Christian had it his way, we'd all be Swedish

Jeff Burmeister
SS.com Thought Police
The Ministry of Newspeak
Room 101

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
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Skye Nott
Godlike Moderator
Location: Vancouveh
Join Date: 12/18/2005
Age: Possibly Wise
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Rally Car:

Re: Now comes the lame excuses----some Pros. 8(
January 11, 2006 12:31AM
Well you know, props to you for starting it. Now that you are the #1 rally Forum for North America, don't waste the opportunity.

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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Rally Car:
Saab 96 V4

Re: Now comes the lame excuses----some Pros. 8(
January 11, 2006 12:56AM
Dynauld Wrote:
> Hey John,
> You know, the only really bad thing about forums,
> is that you can never get a good take on what or
> how a person is trying to convey their
> information. You and I could sit in a bar and get
> absolutely ripped together. And we would have a
> grand old time talking rally and agreeing on most
> everything. But when you get into typing and all
> of the BS that comes about not seeing what the
> other is implying, etc. Its sooo easy to misread
> what a person's true intent is. It's just a fact
> of the internet. Won't change until we get the
> video posting forums up... Just kidding.

My intent has always been to see this sport grow and to get the costs lower and those two things are linked,
> Oh, regarding us doing the real man thing and
> having people come in to handle things for us, if
> we are to keep ss.com going, it isn't that far
> away. But its that whole chicken and the egg type
> thing. Or maybe a the pro field vs. a pro program
> thing. You need money to build it, but if you
> build it the money comes. (or that is the logic)
> But the reality for most companies that have an
> audience that is interested in a Rally website,
> rally magazine, sides of a car, whatever. Is that
> they are companies that are typically scrapping
> by. You know, grass roots type. They usually are
> unable to swing the coin for advertising. Which is
> why I haven't sent out an invoice to our
> advertisers in a long time. Some more then a
> year.

That's very interesting. If that's the case, then why is Edstrom scolding me and deleting posts and WARNING me that "banner advertisers have been complaining" that I have suggested that some people might want to consider some good strong real gravel suspension being made by ME, which just happens to be half the cost of what some of the companies which are just scrapping by are pushing?
I _donate_ my time and have for over 20 fucking years helping dozens of guys and yeah selling some stuff as well. And I don't work at a desk so when I'm clickin and clackin it is taking time away from other things.

I think what is going on is what I have been hinted at: that there are some bitter never was, never will be assholes who are angry and (oddly enough, they can advertise "help keep solvent..." with impunity) who have complained to Konkler, and Konkler is just tired off crap now.

So when a small one man company, ME, has been putting all spare money into making products for the GRASS ROOTS TYPE guys, since I was assuming that there are already several well known outfits which can help in the economic weatlth redistribution, donates hundreds of hours of time answer readers questions, generating "content" and GIVING it to SS.com for free, why the heavy handed bullshit from Edstom?
If some of the banner advertisers maybe donated some of their time by giving say one or two tips a month, or if Edstrom donated some of his vast car building and engine assemby knowledge, then I could see people bering upset at me suggesting that there might be a better, stronger, cheaper alternative to $4800 suspension.

But I don't see that.
> You know the saying, "want to make a small
> fortune? start with a large one and go racing."
> Same thing is true with supporting club racers. No
> money in it, and I don't think there will be. Or
> at least not while I'm still young. Even though
> I'm now in my late 30's.

Yeah you have to sell stuff that people can afford.
Just how many Trustafarians from the NE do people think are out there that want to play at "Pro" rally for a year or two???

> What is the point of this post? Now that I think
> about it. Absolutely nothing. Heck, I haven't
> posted on SS.com or RA or NASA in such long that
> I'm writing more to write publicly then making a
> valid point. It's kind of like having that first
> drink at the bar after not drinking for two
> weeks.

Well here, I extend an invite, same as anybody else gets, same as I have extended to dozens of guys on the Cars and Construction Forum:
Welcome aboard.
here you can speak freely.
> I love free speak and all that goes with it. It's
> a wonderful thing that you guys are very open
> here, and I hope that you can continue to have
> that here. I really do. We had that once. But it
> ended because every one of the current and past
> sanctioning bodies has or had some type of issue
> with this or that posting. So, yeah, we had to do
> it so that we could continue to have a place for
> people to go. Doesn't mean I like it any more then
> you guys. But restrict some discussions or
> shutdown? We took restrict.

Fuck them if that's what they want.
Fuck them.
Obviously the whole "we can't say it now but......" is a bunch of bullshit and primarily a power trip or a status thing for parasites like our favorite photographer Moron and it is clear that as a operative statgey, IT HASN"T WORKED.
It insult the hundreds of people who have specific actual expertise who actually do all the nuts and bolts of making this creaking thing we all like work.
> I think it was Jens that first called me a member
> of the Thought Police,

Fuck Jens, he's an idiot and it anoys me that I actually agree with much of his conclusions because he's such an obnoxious twit.
Paranoid and psychotic is too kind.

later when we get both
> Subaru and Mitsubishi too come play with us for a
> bit, I remember being called Spitzner Lap dog.

You and a whole lot of other inexperienced young pups sure did a good imitation of a lap dog if you weren't.

> Recently I was called an asshole, but that was by
> a girlfriend and she was right, I slept with her
> friend.

You're girlfriend is being unreasoanable. You didn't fuck the girl did you?
You didn't TELL your girlfriend did you?????
Did you tell her you were thinking only of her at "the decisive moment"?

But the point is, I've been called a lot a
> crap over the years for doing what I think is the
> right (or atleast fun) so I don't worry about what
> people flaming me. I guess that is a green light
> for lighting me up.
> Time to fall back into viewing mode. Take it easy
> guys...
> Laugh, and if Christian had it his way, we'd all
> be Swedish

He said that he had a friend who wanted to sit in on Svenskbilsportforbundet technical committee meetings and it was like 7 or 8 years before he was allowed to even speak.
His dreams of being a big mover and shaker would be lost in Sweden.
Here he can tell everybody all about Co-driving and being a Swede.

In the land of blind men, a one eyed man is king.

> Jeff Burmeister
> SS.com Thought Police
> The Ministry of Newspeak
> Room 101
> Oceania
> War is Peace
> Freedom is Slavery
> Ignorance is Strength

Herr Burmeister, vergess nichct: Arbeit Macht Frei

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Skye Nott
Godlike Moderator
Location: Vancouveh
Join Date: 12/18/2005
Age: Possibly Wise
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Rally Car:

Re: How to fix it
January 11, 2006 01:35AM
Oh yeah and pleaaaaase note, "fixed" does not necessarily mean "fancy".

Usability is often inversely proportional to fancy.

You do not have to emulate the Macromedia Flash/Subaru wank-fest of Rally America.

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