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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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The TRUTH about pace notes and drivers
September 26, 2012 10:56AM
Back wehn the Jemba notes were a new thing and everybody was shouting about how "indispensable" and "fantastic!!!" they were we had several cases of people ---5 at one Nation, get off the stage and drive 4-5 more than 6 miles with the co-drivers yammering away telling them what is coming---except they were on the wrong road and only noticed when they came to a T and noticed the speccies there were all facing the wrong way, and that they were approaching from the blocked side....

Now when i was at Mt Hood and sat thru the very nice How to make Super Accurate Pace Notes Seminar went I went outside I asked Al Kunkanen
"You think you can process all that shit?"

Al, being an amazingly honest guy said "Fuck no"

So we made simplified, verbal notes that seemed to work good.

NOW finally the real truth comes out:
NOW!!! we see the violence of the system!!



Rally driver admits he has no idea what co-driver is talking about

it's a bend coming up, how hard can it be? Top British rally driver, Mark Fischer, today found himself at the centre of a storm of controversy after confessing that he had absolutely no idea what his long-term co-driver, Gethyn Davis, was talking about during races.

It had been assumed that co-drivers were reading ‘pace notes’, a series of instructions describing how to negotiate the road layout ahead, but Fischer claims the notes are ‘total nonsense’ and that he has simply been humouring his co-driver all these years. ‘It’s just gibberish,’ he said. ‘But the regulations say that there must be two people in the car at all times during the race, and Gethyn was a good mate so I always just took him along for the ride.’

More of the real truth at the link..


John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2012 09:51PM by john vanlandingham.
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Kiriakos Kalpakidis
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Re: The TRUTH about pace notes and drivers
September 26, 2012 11:58AM
So pacenotes are to drivers the way that cars are to most turbobrickers? complete fawking enigmas?
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Chad Eixenberger
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Re: The TRUTH about pace notes and drivers
September 26, 2012 12:01PM
The words are unimportant...I drive on tone.

I keep my foot in it until the codrivers voice cracks with fear.
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Kiriakos Kalpakidis
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Re: The TRUTH about pace notes and drivers
September 26, 2012 12:05PM
The words are unimportant...I drive on tone.

I keep my foot in it until the codrivers voice cracks with fear.

Strange... when my wife's voice cracks with fear my reflex is to try to put my foot through the floor pan....
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Tyler Estes
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Re: The TRUTH about pace notes and drivers
September 26, 2012 04:05PM
50 5-left and stop 2-right half minus braking into K-right 90 maybe and absolute crest 500


Something about something....dirt.
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Re: The TRUTH about pace notes and drivers
September 26, 2012 05:33PM

the Finnish co-driver was in fact screaming the words ‘Oh shit!’ over and over again, occasionally interspersed with other phrases including, ‘Watch out for that house’ and ‘Slow down, you mad bastard’.

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Billy Elliot Mann
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Re: The TRUTH about pace notes and drivers
September 26, 2012 05:43PM
Isn't that just a picture of Petter Solberg with his nose blown out? And the "news" site is a well known satire news site as well. Basically it's the Brit's version of The Onion.

Still a funny article.
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steve czwalga
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Re: The TRUTH about pace notes and drivers
September 26, 2012 07:09PM
Isn't that just a picture of Petter Solberg with his nose blown out? And the "news" site is a well known satire news site as well. Basically it's the Brit's version of The Onion.

Still a funny article.

Yeah, it's a satire.... still funny as hell.
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James Roberts
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Re: The TRUTH about pace notes and drivers
September 27, 2012 02:51PM
This article is brilliant!

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