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Posted by NoCoast 
Grant Hughes
Godlike Moderator
Location: Whitefish, MT
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April 10, 2007 06:07PM
Just come by the house and make an offer.

Grant Hughes
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Mustafa Samli
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Re: Everything
April 10, 2007 08:44PM
Duuuuude !
You OK ?

Phoenix AZ
Gaylant VR4
EVO III GSR (Stolen)

Rallies are no place for traitors
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Grant Hughes
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Location: Whitefish, MT
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Re: Everything
April 11, 2007 12:13PM
Actually, I'll change it from offer to everything for $20K.
Computer, high end stereo, rally car and parts, tools, new Miller mig welder, kitchen aid mixer, fridge, lots of designer jeans (I'm a jean snob), shirts, tube socks, dresser, roll cage tubing, sheet metal, garage stereo. You know what, I'd probably take $17K now that I think about it. $14K in car parts alone, $1000 welder, $2000 speakers, and the rest is thrown in.

I am interviewing for a job in Austria with the UN next week.

Grant Hughes
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Josh Wimpey
Josh Wimpey
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Re: Everything
April 11, 2007 01:35PM
Grant, if you are doing a job search for bio-stats, stats, econ work and are interested in moving to the DC area (or telecommuting) give me a call as I know plenty of places and might need another roommate next year.

seven o three 3 seven uno cinq zero eight fur


One. Class -- 2WD
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Patrick McVeigh
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Re: Everything
April 11, 2007 02:40PM
Let me know when you start giving it all away...
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Grant Hughes
Godlike Moderator
Location: Whitefish, MT
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Re: Everything
April 11, 2007 03:03PM
Package deal only.

Grant Hughes
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Wilson von Kessler
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Re: Everything
April 12, 2007 09:37PM
> I am interviewing for a job in Austria with the UN
> next week.
> Grant Hughes
> Denver, CO

Einege Zeit im Oesterreich is gar nicht schlecht. Es gibt Rally da, besonders Die Jaenner Rallye, bei meiner Heimat im Oberoesterreich.*

Gute Fahrt!


*Spending some time in Austria wont be bad. They have rally there, especially the January Rally, which is near where my family is from in Upper Austria.

The UN is pretty cool. When I lived over there in Vienna, my older girlfriend was a Fulbright Scholar, and some of our good friends were with the UN.

Good luck, and if you want some tips on the city, I would be more than willing to provide them.

"Talk about drugs. Driving a car like that, going that fast, it’s like all the drugs at once." - Tommy Byrne

"Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured during this mission, remember you are Gunther Heindriksen from Appenzell. You moved to Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren. Can you repeat that?" - The Brain
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Grant Hughes
Godlike Moderator
Location: Whitefish, MT
Join Date: 01/11/2006
Age: Midlife Crisis
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Rally Car:

Re: Everything
April 26, 2007 01:00PM
Talk about an interview.
Conference style with multiple people in the group asking different questions. I talked with Wolfgang, who had a good austrian/german sounding accent, Phil who was definitely a Brit, Anya who sounded like she was from the middle east, and one other who's name I didn't quite get and accent I definitely couldn't place. Interview went well though. So Wilson, you want to help me with the residence permits that the forms are all in German when the time comes? smiling smiley

Good news is, it'll be six weeks before I know anything. Wedding is in 8 weeks. Honeymoon is in Paris and France. If all works out, I'll just hop from France to Austria on July 1st.

My residence permit has to be done here, but new wifey can do hers once she arrives in Austria to join me. Anyhow, time to go back to class. Really hard to focus on theoretical statistics when you don't even know if you'll be back next semester. Only two weeks to get through though so I may as well not give up now.

Grant Hughes
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Josh Wimpey
Josh Wimpey
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Re: Everything
April 26, 2007 01:38PM
I know how you feel. I have been one of the only American's in my work since I got out of school (graduate school too).

My current coworkers are comprised of the following first names:
and Bill :-)

Good luck Grant. You will learn more useful things in your first year working than you will in 2 more years of grad school. But that doesn't mean I am not tempted to go back---again.


One. Class -- 2WD
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Wilson von Kessler
Super Moderator
Location: Lookout Mountain, GA
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Age: Possibly Wise
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Colts are in Finland; now '87 325i, '89 325i

Re: Everything
April 30, 2007 08:19AM
Any help that you need, I would be more than willing to supply.

The Austrians require you to register your residential location with the local police station.



NoCoast Wrote:
> Talk about an interview.
> Conference style with multiple people in the group
> asking different questions. I talked with
> Wolfgang, who had a good austrian/german sounding
> accent, Phil who was definitely a Brit, Anya who
> sounded like she was from the middle east, and one
> other who's name I didn't quite get and accent I
> definitely couldn't place. Interview went well
> though. So Wilson, you want to help me with the
> residence permits that the forms are all in German
> when the time comes?
> Good news is, it'll be six weeks before I know
> anything. Wedding is in 8 weeks. Honeymoon is in
> Paris and France. If all works out, I'll just hop
> from France to Austria on July 1st.
> My residence permit has to be done here, but new
> wifey can do hers once she arrives in Austria to
> join me. Anyhow, time to go back to class.
> Really hard to focus on theoretical statistics
> when you don't even know if you'll be back next
> semester. Only two weeks to get through though so
> I may as well not give up now.
> Grant Hughes
> Denver, CO

"Talk about drugs. Driving a car like that, going that fast, it’s like all the drugs at once." - Tommy Byrne

"Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured during this mission, remember you are Gunther Heindriksen from Appenzell. You moved to Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren. Can you repeat that?" - The Brain
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Mustafa Samli
Godlike Moderator
Location: Arizona
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Age: Ancient
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Rally Car:
Gaylant VR4

Re: Everything
April 30, 2007 02:14PM

So you have a Turk working with you, is she cute ? grinning smiley

Phoenix AZ
Gaylant VR4
EVO III GSR (Stolen)

Rallies are no place for traitors
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Saab 96 V4

Re: Everything
April 30, 2007 02:21PM
Grant take the car with you, youll probably have some relocation package and right to bring a car-------use your head!
GruppH für den sieg!


Since when you been even talking to wimmins, much less anything that copuld lead to marriage???????
Can she wrench?

This thread is useless without pictures!!!

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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Grant Hughes
Godlike Moderator
Location: Whitefish, MT
Join Date: 01/11/2006
Age: Midlife Crisis
Posts: 6,818

Rally Car:

Re: Everything
April 30, 2007 02:53PM
She plays lots of instruments and sings opera. She worked on her 70's Motorbecane Mobylette 2 stroke scooter a few times.

The plan is to buy a car over there and leave my car here until we come back. Regardless of what we do, long term we plan to end up in Denver due to family and close friends.

Here's the only pic I have, albeit a crappy cell phone res pic. Speaking of pics, any new pics of the new little one?

Grant Hughes

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2007 02:55PM by NoCoast.
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Josh Wimpey
Josh Wimpey
Infallible Moderator
Location: VA
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Sneak the Golf

Re: Everything
April 30, 2007 04:15PM
sagsert Wrote:
> ---Izlem
> So you have a Turk working with you, is she cute ?

many Turks...

Even the pizza place on "I" street is run by Turks.


One. Class -- 2WD
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
Godlike Moderator
Location: Ford Asylum, Sleezattle, WA
Join Date: 12/20/2005
Age: Fossilized
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Rally Car:
Saab 96 V4

Re: Everything
April 30, 2007 05:03PM
NoCoast Wrote:
> She plays lots of instruments and sings opera.
> She worked on her 70's Motorbecane Mobylette 2
> stroke scooter a few times.
> The plan is to buy a car over there and leave my
> car here until we come back. Regardless of what
> we do, long term we plan to end up in Denver due
> to family and close friends.
> Here's the only pic I have, albeit a crappy cell
> phone res pic. Speaking of pics, any new pics of
> the new little one?

DDDAAAAAAMMN! What a cutie pie!!!! Where the hell did YOU meet her?
How many kids you planning??
By the way, check it out about getting amrried overseas, you might need all sorts of proof that you aren't already married in specific formats. I did for getting married in Hong Kong, and they were PICKY! especially about translation of the documents.
Chrissita just looked at the photo and gave an approval and said from nose on up you look pretty similar to me!!! In that piccie anyway.

I'll see about some new baby and new Anna photos.
> Grant Hughes
> Denver, CO
> Edited 2 times. Last edit at Apr 30, 2007 by
> NoCoast.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat
CALL +1 206 431-9696
Remember! Pacific Standard Time
is 3 hours behind Eastern Standard Time.
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